Bing Screening Notes:
- Bing's impression in the art world caused an entire movement
- Art Nouveau
- Siegfried Bing:
- Dedicated his life's work not in the traditional standard of art during his time, but in finding and combining the beauty in all art from around the world as a whole.
- Major Japanese art collector
- As well as a visionary art dealer.
- Promoted Japanese art in the West
- Major defender of Art Nouveau in France.
- Bing's Gallery:
- "L'art Nouvaeu"
- Gave the movement it's name and brought it to the public.
- Bing went to Japan in 1880.
- Magazine
- "Le Japan Artistique"
- To spread Japanism.
- In 1890 a huge exhibition of Japanese Prints by Bing.
- Vincent Van Gogh:
- visited Bing
- Helped spread Japanism
- Included a print in his works.
- Bing even dabbled in the glass blowing business with his art.
- Bing wanted to bring all contemporary art techniques that could be in the home pieces
- but was destroyed by critics because it lacked “French.”
- Finally in 1900:
- Bing had a pavilion at the World's Fair
- called “Art Nouveau Bing”
- Huge success!!!
- He was able to display the “women's touch” in his home décor line.
- Sadly, Bing died in 1905