- Herbert Matter was not widely known:
- Although, an influential artist, designer, photographer, filmmaker
- Instrumental in shaping modern art
- Influence the likes of Robert Pollock and other ground-breaking artists of his time
- Matter was raised in Switzerland
- Engelburg, Switzerland had many mountains
- likely that this shaped some of his work
- To understand art- need a sense of space and skill
- Attended Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Geneva
- Matter attended this school for 4 years
- Enbraced a Constructivist and purist style in his work
- Used film and photos together in surrealism
- Redesigns his family business with new Constructivist style
- Clean lines, modern, etc.
- Widely accepted style in Switzerland
- Matter leaves Paris for Zurich - practiced photomontage
- Trudy Hess:
- Young model used in many of photography designs
- Represents young model and free spirit
- Used in Matter's posters
- Matter uses photography in posters (1932-1934)
- Ground-breaking because up until this time - posters were painted with no photography involved
- Dyes various elements photochemically in posters to achieve modernness & freshness
- Earned wide recognition for this technique
- Travels to New York with Hess as Photographer:
- Even in United States, calmness and serenity of Swiss mountains found there way into his work
- Grew up in Engelwood, Switzerland - shaped much of his work
- Charles Eames proposed job offering to design furniture for him in California (L. A.) in 1943
- He enjoyed Matter's constructivist, clean style
- left shortly after
- family issues
- felt unsatisfyed with job of documenting Eames' work
- family travels back to New York
- his son, Alex, contracts polio
- made poster series to create polio awareness
- Worked for Vogue (under Liberman) for decade
- Changed the course of publication design with photo manipulation, etc.
- In Matter's filmwork, form and motion the main focus
- Alexander Calder a huge influence on this (mobile)
- Gave his films a dance-like quality
- Hired as Design consultant for Nole and Associates
- Matter was first design professor at Yale University
- gave no lectures
- focussed on working in the field
- Focused on personal work in last decade of his career
- dies in 1984
1940 Nude on the Beach |
Flyer |
May 1944 |
1940 Mercedes |
July 1945 Arts & Architecture, |
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